다니엘볼벤 주한스웨덴대사 엔백(주)방문
생활쓰레기수거 분야에서 독립적인 기술을 발전시킨 엔백
생활쓰레기수거 분야에서 독립적인 기술을 발전시킨 엔백
An upmarket regeneration development in Seoul’s vibrant Seocho Gu district has commissioned Envac’s automated waste collection system (AWCS) to collect the waste of a library, kindergarten, care home, neighbourhood facilities and 2,296 mixed use apartments over a 32-acre site when it goes live in 2022.
Gangnam-Gu, Seoul’s third largest district, has chosen automated waste collection system (AWCS) pioneers Envac to install an underground system that will span 399,741 sq. m on completion and include a subterranean pipe network over 15 miles long.
Australia will launch its first underground waste collection system in Sunshine Coast Council, the country’s fifth largest municipality, as part of a major redevelopment programme that will deliver some of the nation’s most sustainable building design and create over 30,000 jobs by 2040.
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