Reshaping the city
Despite living on only two percent of the planet’s land, city dwellers are responsible for the majority of carbon emissions and energy consumption. This trend is exacerbated by the rapid growth of cities worldwide, which will further strain our climate and resources unless we take action.
Our solution is to offer innovative and sustainable waste collection systems which have a transformative impact on urban life. Our systems not only reduce the environmental impact of the city, but also enhance its reputation, brand, and desirability, improving the quality of life for all who reside or work there.

The Envac system seamlessly integrates waste management into the urban infrastructure, much like water, sewage, and other essential city services. As the demand for sustainable waste disposal methods grows, the need for waste rooms, recycling stations, and frequent collection routes for waste vehicles also increases.
In contrast, our waste inlets automatically empty into underground pipes, eliminating the need for visible trash cans inside and outside buildings and reducing the need for collection routes. This frees up valuable space which can be repurposed for green areas, pedestrian walkways, bicycle lanes, or small businesses. Our system not only improves waste management but also enhances the livability and vitality of urban areas.

At Envac, we prioritize safety and hygiene in waste management. Our system is hermetically sealed and can be equipped with contactless technology, ensuring safe and hygienic disposal of waste without the need for operators to enter the area.
By eliminating the need for manual handling of waste, our system provides a safer working environment for cleaning staff, resulting in fewer injuries and disability leaves. At Envac, we believe that sustainable waste management should not come at the cost of human health and safety.
Reducing traffic and emissions
Traditional waste collection methods involve heavy collection traffic, with trucks frequently stopping as they navigate residential and commercial areas to collect waste at each building. With the Envac system, this is unnecessary.
Our waste inlets are connected to an underground pipe network which can transport waste up to 2 km to a central collection station. Here, the waste is stored in large containers and only collected when full, all managed by Envac’s smart automation platform.
This approach reduces heavy traffic and its associated emissions by up to 90% in the area, eliminating traffic jams, noise pollution, and safety hazards related to collection vehicles. By making waste collection smarter, cleaner, and more sustainable, our system is a natural choice for any city looking to enhance its livability and reduce its environmental impact.

Commercial waste
The Envac system is versatile and can benefit a wide range of businesses, from small retail shops to large-scale operations such as university campuses, industrial parks, and amusement parks. It can be easily integrated into single office buildings and hotels as well.
If needed, the system can be equipped with a shredder for the destruction of confidential documents. With Envac, businesses of all sizes can enjoy the benefits of a sustainable waste management solution, improving their environmental footprint and reducing their operating costs.

AI-powered technology
Envac systems utilize Artificial Intelligence to optimize performance, ensuring they are both streamlined and sustainable. By leveraging the power of AI, we can reduce both emissions and costs, making our solution even more effective.
Our smart automation platform allows us to monitor and analyze waste collection data in real-time, allowing data-driven decisions which improve the performance of the system. This means we can identify and address issues before they become problems, improving the overall reliability of the system.
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In operation 24/7
Our waste collection system is designed to be robust and reliable, operating 365 days a year without interruption. It is not affected by strikes, weather conditions, or even pandemic situations.
Thanks to its hermetically closed design, our system is not subject to external factors such as inclement weather. This means our customers can rely on the system to collect their waste without interruption, ensuring their operations run smoothly and efficiently.
Our system can operate seamlessly and safely, providing a sustainable waste management solution even in challenging circumstances such as lack of holiday pick up or labor disputes. It is built to be reliable and robust, providing customers with a dependable and sustainable solution they can count on 24/7, 365 days a year.
Learn more about the system