Innovative and sustainable change
Imagine a city without open waste containers, overflowing waste bins or traffic jam and pollution caused by waste collection vehicles.
Our innovative and automated waste collection system is playing a key role in shaping and maintaining sustainable cities.
Envac is leading the way by creating smarter cities, enhancing the quality of life for the UK’s population and securing a greener planet for future generations.
Our automated waste collection system makes recycling smart, sustainable and cost-efficient. It also supports the circular economy and creates better living environments.
We make sorting different types of waste straightforward and intuitive, removing the inconvenience of traditional waste sorting and ensuring that it is as easy as possible for our users to recycle more.
By collecting all household waste at a single point, our system is easier to maintain and more cost-efficient than traditional handling.
With Envac, cities without open waste containers, overflowing waste bins or traffic jams is now a reality.

Enhancing the UK’s streetscape
Overflowing waste containers and litterbins make the urban realm look untidy. Our system addresses this by replacing traditional containers with clean and contemporarily designed waste inlets connected to an underground pipe network.
When full, the system automatically transports the waste from the inlets to a centralised collection station. As Envac is hermetically sealed and never emits foul smells, it can be placed close to residential buildings. This makes it easier for users to deposit their waste and helps make litter a thing of the past.
Our system reduces waste collection traffic and the associated noise, emissions and pollution by up to 90 per cent, making city life greener, cleaner and more sustainable.

The Envac automated waste collection system
Our innovative system is technically advanced and the concept is proven and straight-forward.
Envac makes urban environments cleaner, healthier and safer. With its ability to reduce waste collection traffic, it also helps densely populated areas become greener and more sustainable.
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