The Brief

Tianjin Eco-City, a Sino-Singapore city, is the second largest government-to-government project between Singapore and China.

It is also a groundbreaking development underpinned by visionary goals including a desire to create a city that is socially harmonious, environmentally friendly and resource efficient.

Against the backdrop of rapid urbanisation, and in order to deliver on its commitment to creating sustainable and resource efficient communities, Envac was awarded the contract to install a pneumatic waste collection system to serve 32 residential communities and 20 public buildings.

The Project

To support the concept of the development, which was to incorporate sustainable solutions that are affordable, commercially viable and scalable, Envac set about designing a system that would support a local population of 350,000 people and provide a legacy for future generations.

87 tons/day

designed collection capacity

2 separate waste fractions

organic / rest

400 waste inlets

conveniently located across the area for easy disposal

10,500 mtr pipe network

for underground transport of waste from buildings to collection terminal

8 km2


Tianjin Eco-City provides an excellent example of how forward-thinking cities are responding to issues surrounding climate change, shrinking resources and growing populations in order to benefit those who inhabit them. Envac is one of the environmental solutions that have helped us to realise our ambitious vision for the city and meet our aims and objectives on multiple levels. Envac is not only meeting the needs of the community it serves today, but also we’re confident that it will continue to meets the needs of the communities of Tianjin Eco-City in many decades to come.

The Result

Since becoming operational in 2012, Envac has:

Enabled Tianjin Eco-City Environment Protection Company to build more apartments to address urban density by freeing up space that would have been required to store traditional bins.

Supported Tianjin Eco-city’s goals of becoming a beacon of sustainable excellence by incorporating the latest sustainable waste collection technology.

Removed waste collection trucks from the streets of Tianjin Eco-City, making the street scene more pleasant and helping to achieve the development’s ambitious air quality targets.

Helped Tianjin Eco-City meet its waste targets of recycling 60 per cent of all waste generated within the city

Seamlessly transported huge volumes of waste underground using a process that ensures waste collection remains unseen, unheard and is not smelt by the local population, which has added value to the environment.

Installed a system that can be scaled up according to Tianjin Eco City’s growth; additional buildings can simply be connected to the Envac pipework as and when required.

Reduced waste collection vehicle movements by 90 per cent, which has created a more inclusive, safe and environmentally friendly city.

Let's talk

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