Revolutionising waste management in the smart city

ReFlow, is an innovative digital solution that complements Envac’s pneumatic waste system and assists cities in achieving their climate and recycling goals. The primary objective is to address the environmental challenge head-on. With ReFlow, end-users have effortless possibilities to contribute to the three R’s of recycling, reusing, and reducing waste. ReFlow was developed in collaboration with leading experts from the social and behavioural sciences, making it a genuinely thoughtful and effective tool. Envac’s data-driven system can visualise waste flows and educate end-users, ensuring their engagement and dedication to a sustainable future.

Reduces costly general waste

Promotes increased recycling

Sustains end user engagement

Envac ReFlow

Envac’s game-changing pneumatic waste collection system helps create a circular economy and fosters a healthier living environment. Envac ReFlow takes things to the next level by empowering communities and system operators to work together towards more sustainable resource use. With its smart design, ReFlow encourages recycling and facilitates seamless communication between users, operators, and local government.

Realized that some of what went into the trash should have gone to the recycling room instead.
By providing the tenant with this information, it has saved me time in management and minimized the tenant’s moments of irritation.
Customer Service, Stockholmhem
It’s fun to see how much one recycles and be motivated by it
There has been much better order in the neighborhood, both around the trash chute, but also in the environmental room.
I really appreciate the tips and being able to keep up with how things are going for me and the neighborhood.

Easy recycling = Successful recycling

Recycling has become effortless with the help of ReFlow! The guides provided by the platform are designed to make recycling easy and user-friendly, resulting in a more efficient and cost-effective recycling process.

Users also receive feedback on their recycling habits and how they contribute to the city's environmental goals. The platform can be displayed on building or apartment screens that show relevant information tailored to the user's location, making recycling smoother.

An interactive and cost-effective digital solution

ReFlow improves the performance of the pneumatic waste system by providing guidance on alternative inlets and enabling end-users to report errors. By analyzing these reports, the smart system has the potential to resolve the issues automatically, reducing the need for manual maintenance and providing a seamless user experience.

Additionally, inlet QR codes allow guests or users without the app to report errors.

The world's first smart meter for waste collection

ReFlow has introduced the waste industry's first-ever smart meter. Smart meters have revolutionized the energy sector with their ability to manage energy grids more efficiently and involve citizens and prosumers. With ReFlow's smart meter, the waste industry can undergo the same transformation and improve its operations.

Seamless management

Envac System Portal enables easy management for owners and operators. Valuable insights can be extracted from real-time data to make informed decisions. The portal is accessible on mobile and desktop devices, allowing remote management from anywhere.

Find out more about Envac System Portal

Reduce, Reuse and Recycle – The 3Rs

ReFlow is an innovative system designed to optimize the use of available resources and promote sustainability in urban areas. By encouraging residents to share tools and equipment, ReFlow reduces the need for new goods and extends the lifespan of existing items. This not only benefits the community but also reduces waste and promotes recycling.

The system is user-friendly and educational, providing feedback to residents and system operators on the amount of materials saved and the positive environmental impact. With ReFlow, users can take an active role in creating a sustainable future by building smart cities. By working together to maximise resources and minimise waste, everyone can step towards a greener and more sustainable world!

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